It's time to improve your family dialogue at home. Here are 5 tips to help you make it a reality, see them here!

Communication plays an important role in building and developing a healthy family life. Good communication between spouses and between parents and children, as well as between siblings, promotes a harmonious and loving family relationship.

Improving family communication cultivates love, knowledge, trust and respect and, most importantly, helps the family cope with life's ups and downs and all its twists and turns.

How can family dialogue be strengthened?
You must be available: stop once a day to talk about what is going on.
Listen carefully: when you listen to others, you help them feel loved and valued.
Show empathy: This means tuning in to your child's feelings and letting them know you understand.
What attitudes do we develop if we practice family dialogue?

If you ask yourself what aspects need to be taken into account for a good family dialogue to take place, we develop the ideas in the chart further:

1. Learning to listen
Learning to listen is essential to understanding a loved one. Take a moment to stop what you are doing and listen, not just hear.

Turn off the TV or radio, listen to what your child or spouse has to say and try to understand the feelings they are conveying.

2. Thinking First
The importance of family dialogue goes beyond the mere exchange of words. It is important to think first before saying anything.

You must carefully consider the words you have to say.

If you are angry, upset or need to convey emotions that may stimulate conflict or provoke negative reactions, be sure to use phrases that begin with "I".

Express your feelings by saying how you feel instead of using language that points to someone else. This will help defuse the situation.

3. Watch your tone
It is equally important to watch your tone. It has been said that one must tame the language to avoid pronouncing hurtful or sinister words.

In the same way, kind words; and sweet and thoughtful tones are always sincere and can uplift the soul. Therefore, pay attention not only to what you say, but also to how you say it and express yourself with your family to create an atmosphere of equality, which fosters dialogue and tolerance.

4. Be trustworthy and keep it
Trust will always be an essential ingredient in any relationship. Consequently, it also plays an important role in family communication.

Trust your family and inspire their confidence. Keep your promises; and always be true to them.

5. Establish family routines
Another way to encourage dialogue with all family members is to create some family routines.

These can be as simple as reading a chapter of a book to a child before bedtime or choosing to always eat as a family. It can also be an activity that involves a little more planning, like setting aside one night each week to watch a movie.

These routines also help create a sense of stability in a child's life. Having something to look forward to periodically helps them relax and creates a fun sense of anticipation.

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