Learn about the principles of Christian commitment that World Vision has been promoting since 1950, around the world.

When our NGO emerged in 1950, we were clear that our lighthouse would be: "working with children, youth, their families and communities to reduce poverty and injustice", guided by Christian commitment.
It all started when Bob Pierce, an American journalist and missionary, belonging to the Christian church, wanted to help thousands of children orphaned by the war in Korea.

His mission to work for the communities was strengthened in 1953, when he invited others to finance monthly the most vulnerable children, to generate a transformation in their lives and as a society.

World Vision is a global development, humanitarian aid and advocacy organization of Christian principles.

Today, its life's work extends to more than 100 countries where World Vision promotes human rights and Christian values for community building.
But what is the Christian's social commitment, and what is World Vision's Christian commitment? We explain it below.

Christian commitment, what is it and how does World Vision implement it?

It is important to clarify that, although World Vision is a Christian humanitarian development organization, we work for the world's most vulnerable people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.

Our mission is "to follow Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, working with the human transformation of the poor and oppressed to promote, seek justice and witness according to the good news of the Kingdom of God.

At World Vision, we believe that all people are created in the image and likeness of God, and therefore have the right to enjoy a life of hope, enrichment, meaning, health, security and fulfillment.

"Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness. Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it possible"

Helping children through Christian commitment

To achieve this, we work hand in hand with people who share our values towards children:

Commitment to the poor.

Based on the belief that God has human beings as instruments to carry out his work, we have as allies people of all religious backgrounds, who are aligned with our thinking.

With dedication, faith and commitment, we seek together to nourish the spirit through works that allow us to reach, with tenderness, the most vulnerable children, in order to offer them integral protection.

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