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Sponsorship Includes, Promotes, Empowers, Connects, Transforms

In Honduras, the Technical Program Sponsorship and Community Engagement Plan (CESP) aims to: Promote the Sustained Well-being and Protection of Children with emphasis on the most vulnerable, through strengthened Community Based Organizations and Faith Based Organizations, which implement local development actions and advocate with governments, in favor of children, adolescents and youth.

Orienting the efforts towards the following results as a promise to the donor:

  1. Community social fabric strengthened and empowered to practice and promote actions conducive to children's well-being. Communities are sensitized to address the causes of vulnerability affecting children and enabled to implement innovative and safe inclusive Community Monitoring and Child Welfare mechanisms.

  2. Transformative relationships between children, families, communities and their sponsors that contribute to the development of skills and maximize the potential of children. It includes local digital initiatives that contribute to the enrichment and sustainability of established relationships and the active participation of children, adolescents and youth in spiritual nurturing processes driven by the local church.


Children, young people and adolescents sponsored at national level
Communities Served
Volunteers / Agents of Change


Our strategy is a PROMISE for the most vulnerable children:

  •  Are in good health and protected against disease.
  • They are educated for life and trained to develop their potential.
  •   They are cared for, protected and participate.
  • They experience the deep security of the love of God and others.
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Sponsorship supports, enriches and integrates into the promotion and practice of transformative development as a driver of community empowerment for the well-being of children; its participants achieve.

  • Identifying the root causes of poverty and vulnerability
  • Prioritizing local concerns, especially those affecting children
  • Identifying and including the most vulnerable girls and boys
  • Promote gender equality
  • Promoting the meaningful participation of girls and boys
  • Build capacity and resilience
  • Recognizing sponsorship as a development asset
  • Establish partnerships and volunteer networks
  • Model social responsibility
  • Conduct local advocacy campaigns
  • Promote a protective and safe environment for children
  • Advocate for the Guarantee of Children's Rights
Focusing efforts on the following results as a promise to the donor:

I am 7 years old, I am a sponsored child, ID 198930-8033. I live with my mother in a very nice community where there are many good people and lots of greenery.

I am in preschool. I was born with paraplegia secondary to spina bifida and myelomeningocele, and I had an operation on my spine at birth, so I cannot walk. When it was time for me to go to kindergarten, knowing my handicapped condition, I thought the other children would not accept me. My mom was also afraid and didn't want to enroll me in kindergarten, always out of fear.

In my community, World Vision has always been present. Thanks to that, my mom was part of a training they gave, which sensitized her and she realized that I was limiting myself to a right, which is education. She learned more about the rights of children with disabilities and was very motivated, so much so that she decided to enroll me in the kindergarten in my community.

I feel very happy because now I am learning to draw, to paint, to meet more children and to talk to them. I really enjoy playing and being accepted by the other children without any rejection. I would like that other children can also be supported and that they can empower families who have children with disabilities. I am very grateful to World Vision because it changed my life. I feel included in my kindergarten and in my community.

I thank my teachers, classmates and my mother for all the support.

Thank you, World Vision!

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Yasel-  I Feel Included

Chasly Ohara, 12 years old, is an eighth grader. She lives in a picturesque rural community surrounded by many mountains and wildlife typical of the dry tropics. Chasly is a child who, prior to World Vision's interventions in her community, was shy and uninterested in participating with other children because there was no one to mentor her abilities. Her participation was limited to small groups of people. “Only in school did I participate in some activities, otherwise I abstained because in my community no one did anything to motivate interaction outside of school with girls and boys.”

Today, with the intervention of World Vision, her mother has managed to become a leader of one of the community-based organizations and collaborates in the development of activities for the most vulnerable children. In this way, Chasly participates in all community activities, especially in the organization and training of children and adolescents in her community.

Chasly said: “This year I have learned a lot about various topics and the ones I have liked the most are managing my emotions and my life plan. They have helped me to understand the emotions of my classmates and my siblings. I also made my life plan and put in it how I am going to achieve my dreams."

World Vision has partnered with the Ministry of Education and community leadership to organize and empower children and adolescents through the Impact Club methodology, because they are at the center of transforming a world of peace. Chasly said, “I am part of the club that was organized in my community, I am the coordinator of the logistics committee and, when there are activities at school and throughout my community, we support so that everything goes well. This has allowed me to discover my talents and has made my involvement with the community more noticeable."



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Chasly -  Learning and preparing for life